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Pen of Faith is a non-profit online resource for new and seasoned Christians alike.

Our purpose is to help you grow in your knowledge of God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – by providing study guides, devotional books, articles, and other material that will encourage you in your Christian walk.

How it Started

I was a social commentator

Originally, I focused mainly on writing about God in relation to current events and society. Pretty explosive stuff!

As time passed, I began to add articles and create books exploring other Faith-based topics. I enjoy teaching the Word of God, and have been blessed to have the opportunity to share my seminary education with people from all walks of life. 

My Philosophy

You will be challenged.

God is the same today as He was in the beginning, so what does that mean? Our modern ways of interpreting who He is can be completely off-the-mark, and the works on this site will encourage you to see God as He is, not as who we want Him to be. 

The Resources

The library is growing

That is what this site has become: a resource to guide Christians in their understanding of the Word. I feature articles on culture, Christian living, and current events, books, Bible studies and more. Browse around and let me know what you think.